Clear away what’s holding you back.

Our 1:1 COACHING programs will take you deep into what drives you, what you really want for your life, what’s holding you back, and where you truly shine.

This isn’t therapy, it’s a way to get CLEAR on what’s affecting you, to reclaim your CONFIDENCE, and wipe away the things that keep you from getting what you truly want.

1:1 Transition Coaching

Benefits of a coaching plan.

  • Get clarity of what you really want, that has meaning and purpose.

  • Build a compelling vision that inspires you and pulls you forward.

  • Create a strategy and plan with achievable milestones to reach your goals.

  • Take action and keep going with accountability.

  • Learn science-backed ways to stay motivated and deal with adversity.

  • Strengthen your confidence and get results, without burn-out.

  • Thrive through change with a growth-mindset.

“Working with my coach helped me really understand what I did, and did not, want for the next direction for my life. I couldn’t have done this on my own.”

B.R. · Marketing Director

“got my mojo back”

“found new clarity”

“regained my confidence"

“YAY, I got that job I wanted”

“What a pivot! I didn’t see that coming but I love it!”

How it works

A coaching session is . . .

A confidential conversation between you and your coach. It is not driven by any agenda we have, but by what you feel is most important to focus on.

You leave each session with clear action items that you decide will move you forward. 

Duration: 45-60 minute sessions by Zoom.

To get see if this is right for you book a Free Strategy Call.

Meet the Coaches

  • Katrin Windsor, CPCC, CTPC


    CTI Faculty, Peak Performance & Transition Coach, and former Executive, Katrin is fluent in five languages and has trained and coached leaders and teams in over forty countries, helping people change in profound ways.

  • John Windsor, MBA, CPCC


    Global marketing director, bestselling author, bootstrapped etrepreneur, former Broadway actor, and now a coach. John brings decades of executive leadership and personal development to the coaching conversation.

  • Dorian Cunion, MBA, ACC


    Dorian's sales and marketing leadership career spans over two decades and includes a focus on rapid-growth and constant-change environments.

  • Shakti Radhakishun, MSc, CPCC


    Shakti has nearly two decades of experience leading investment banking and finance teams and a background in statistics. She has also instructed sensory-cognitive process programs.

  • Sondra Silvon, MA, CPCC


    Sondra has been a leader in Fortune 500 companies like Coca-Cola and has been an administrator and executive in public education and non-profit organizations.

  • Julia (Yulia) Borgan, CCPC


    Julia is a multi-disciplinary coach with a fun & esoteric coaching style. She combines Positive Intelligence, the Science of Motivation, and Intuitive Guidance to invite all aspects of her clients' humanity and divinity into the dance of transition and transformation.


  • No. Coaches are not mentors or advisors telling you what to do. Instead, they help you find the answers within you, where the most authentic and aligned answers lie. A coach is a mirror and a consolidator for what’s going on inside you.

  • You can have the greatest plan or the most polished resume, but if you don’t truly believe in yourself, or if there are other ways you’re holding yourself back, your plans and sterling resume won’t help. Focusing on how you’re “being,” not just what you’re doing, helps you work and interact as a complete and compelling individual.

  • Great coaching cannot be reduced to an hourly rate. You’re not paying for a coach’s time, you’re paying for the change you want to see in your life. And you’re paying, not just for the hours you meet with your coach but all the years (and all the money) they’ve invested in being able to coach you at a deep level and guide you toward a powerful transformation.

  • While there are similarities in what therapy and coaching do, there are also key differences. Therapy tends to look to your past to help you find an easier way to be in the future. As a part of therapy, judgments are made as to your condition. Coaching does not look to the past to explain the present, but starts at the present — without making judgments — and works with you to define and pursue a different future than where you are right now.

Want to know more?

Coaching is not a one-size-fits-all experience. It’s completely customized to your needs, desires, and situation. Particularly if you are considering a coaching program beyond what’s included in the Foundations course, let’s have a conversation about what you want to accomplish and how coaching can help you get there.

Click the button below to let us know you’re interested in coaching, and we’ll reply promptly.