Create unstoppable mental strength.

Our LiT Mindset program will help you increase resilience, create more balance, and develop rock-solid confidence. This 8-week, online program will take you from a swirling mind to one that is clear, focused, and in command.

This program is built on the foundation and tools of the highly successful Positive Intelligence® (PQ) course, and enhanced for our work with people like you.

“This has been the most impactful training I’ve ever experienced. You develop powerful mental muscles to deal with challenges with much less stress and greater clarity, creativity, and resilience.”

Adam McGraw · former Sales VP, American Express

“A game changer.”

“A really good investment in myself.”

“You can see immediate impacts.”

How it works

Saboteur Assessment

Research has identified 10 patterns of self-sabotage. This assessment helps you see the most common ways you react to situations, and provides a guide toward changing those impulses.

Weekly Video Lessons

Each week starts with a one-hour video lesson, giving you a deep dive into the topic for that week. Topics range from saboteurs to self-command to tapping your unique sage powers.

Weekly Group Sessions

These sessions help you debrief the lessons you’ve covered, and learn how best to apply them in your own life. Tapping the insights and feedback of others in your cohort elevates the process.

1:1 Coaching

You have the option of adding two 1:1 coaching sessions with a top-level coach to help you understand what you’re discovering and to integrate and apply these lessons to your life.

Daily Practice

The companion app has short, daily lessons to help you practice what you’re learning and establish new neural pathways to support your switch from saboteur to sage thinking.


Group sessions are by Zoom, at Noon ET, for 45 minutes. 1:1 coaching sessions are 50 minutes, by Zoom. Fee: $1495 with two 1:1 coaching sessions or $995 without coaching.

What makes this program unique?

Once you’ve learned your patterns of self-sabotage, it makes it easier to see how you’re thinking and acting, and an be more proactive about changing your thoughts — in the moment! Knowing which tendencies are holding you back, and the impact they have on you and others, is an invaluable tool for optimizing how you show up in the world.

The better you become at intercepting negative thoughts and then shifting into more productive states, the greater will be your resilience and calm in the midst of stressful situations. Your decision-making will improve, your creativity will grow, and you’ll become more agile in how you approach challenging situations.

The more you bring mental agility and balance to your interactions, the less likely you are to be in conflict with others — and better able to recover when others try to amp up the pressure. You’ll increase your ability to persuade and influence others, while deepening connection and trust.

When you can see yourself, others, and situations as they clearly are, it becomes easier to choose the most effective path and then take laser-focused action. You’ll be less affected by tangential ideas or opportunities, and less likely to be triggered by the words and actions of others. You see the goal with greater clarity, and you act.


  • There are four parts to the program: 1) a one-hour training video once a week; 2) a 30-minute group call once a week; 3) 10-15 minutes per day engaged in micro-learning modules (2-3 minutes each); 4) two 50-minute 1:1 coaching calls. With the exception of the group calls, you can do these pieces when it fits your schedule. The program lasts for 8 weeks.

  • If you’re diligent about following the program, you should start to see changes within the first 2-3 weeks. Of course, there’s so much else to learn — even after the 8-week program is finished. And it may be that others notice the changes before you do.

  • Because you practice in short bursts every day — and because you apply the learning to your life right away. Research shows that new habits require 20% of insight and 80% of building muscle through practice — in this case, mental muscles. Most training doesn’t stick because it relies on insight alone. Habits can only be built by creating new neural pathways, which are created through practice and repetition.

  • Everyone has blindspots in their thinking, behavior, and how they are being perceived by others. The more you know about yourself, the better able you’ll be to navigate the tricky and challenging paths we all face.


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